"Posing as a landlord is the easiest thing in the world to do and it goes on a lot. I know... I’m the one who had to break the bad news to the person who has just lost £2500 that they borrowed from a family member to get a roof over their heads."
Ben Reeve-Lewis - Landlord enforcement officer
"I double-checked things, asking about the deposit protection scheme. It all looked official and I signed and sent a deposit of £1,000 and the rent of £780 for one of the rooms. I’ve not seen the money since."
"New tenants have appreciated knowing I'm the genuine landlord before transferring a deposit and first month's rent."
Ken - Landlord
"Rental scams by non-landlords have been a problem in the sector for a long time, impacting not just tenants but landlords as well. We support RentProfile’s work which has the potential to change the industry for the better."
Andrew Goodacre, CEO of the Residential Landlords Association
"This site brings together huge amounts of data in one place and will help renters to build up a better picture of who owns our homes."
Betsy Dillner, Director of Generation Rent
"The scam artist sent me a tenancy agreement and bank details so it seemed 'legit'. When I finally realised it was a scam, I was really upset. The bank had been closed and my savings were gone."
Search our directory of landlords and if there's a match verify details such as property ownership for free. See an example 
Create a landlord profile and allow prospective tenants to verify details such as property ownership for free.
See an example 
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If there is suspicious activity such as somebody impersonating you as the landlord or reports of overcrowding then we will alert you.
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